Thursday, March 31, 2011

Today's Truism

Today’s Truism

I am that which I choose to be
I am that which I choose to see
I am the divine which dwells within me
I am a light for all to see


May this your mantra be
that you may shine forth divinity
that all may clearly see

~ Sat Nam

~*~ Regina Ann

That All Would Remember

That All Would Remember

heart cries for this humanity
that all would remember
that all would see
that all would return
to their divinity
release the shackles
the chains long bound
be free to soar
on wings unfettered
sail into the bliss
created for each
fly high ~ fly free
it is my wish
that all would remember
that all would see
how wonderful
how precious
each one of you be
created ~ designed divinely

~ That All Would Remember

~*~ Regina Ann

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Today's Truism

Today’s Truism

Dear Child
why do you hold tightly
that which holds you back?
release that you would be free
to fully Be
Open hands
Open heart
Open mind
send all to me
that nothing remain
save divinity


May you choose to release
all which holds you back
May you know your Sat Nam
see your divinity
May you shine bright
the True Light

~ Namaste

~*~ Regina Ann

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Creating Change

Creating Change

As I am gently guided to this pain
that healing may take place
my heart wants to run ~ escape
the memories it must face
bandaged long ago it seems
with hope that all would heal
truth is bandage must come off
wounds cleansed
the pain of it released

for when one is sincere
in one’s service to mankind
a heart completely whole
purified is required
work it is
to heal the heart
look pain square in the face
release it to grace
thankful for the change

compassion dwells
where all is new
garden soil freshly tilled
new flowers grow now
~ Faith ~ Hope ~ Joy ~ Peace
and the greatest of all these
~ Love

~ Creating Change

~*~ Regina Ann

Today's Truism

Today’s Truism

Within all things choices be
one chooses to be impacted
or simply release
one chooses perception
blessing or curse to receive


May you fully embrace
the empowerment
of choices
May you choose
to receive all blessings
to release all else
to the Divine

~ Sat Nam

~*~ Regina Ann

Monday, March 28, 2011

Today's Truism

Today’s Truism

Within the center of the heart
resides the Crystal Throne
the seat of the Divine
Love’s radiant light


May you feel the presence
of love divine
May you shine the radiance
of it on everyone
May you allow the light
to guide you on your way

~ Namaste

~*~ Regina Ann

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Tree

The Tree

All begins at the tree
there is but one
from it springs forth
many branches
that all
may be embraced
and we
we are the fruit of it
being from seed
bearing fully
producing seed
in due time
sending seeds forth
beginning new trees
forever connected
bound to source

~ as it is ~ so shall it ever be

~*~ Regina Ann

Today's Truism

Today’s Truism

Care for others
begins with care for self
as you care, love, nurture self
you fuel the sacred flame
that you may give generously
to all others


May you commit to self
your sacred space
to care, love, nurture self
that you may
more generously offer
care, love, nurturing
to all others

~ Namaste

~*~ Regina Ann

Friday, March 25, 2011

Gregg Braden on Consciousness

Usui Reiki Principles

Just for today, do not worry
Just for today, do not anger
Honor your Parents, Teachers and Elders
Earn your living honestly
Show gratitude to every living thing


The Reiki Principles as established
by Dr. Mikao Usui

Today's Truism

Today’s Truism

Observe the birds as they fly
one opens itself ~ spreads wings fully
soars on the wind
the breath of God
trusting fully
Another struggles
keeping wings close
beating them wildly
unwilling to let loose
and flow


May you
open your body ~ your mind ~ your spirit
feel the breath of God under your wings
and soar to heights you can’t even imagine

~ Be Blessed

~*~ Regina Ann

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Beautiful Peace

Beautiful Peace

Beautiful the peace
that fills all space
as your footprints disappear
in the tracks of the divine
and you find yourself
walking as One

~*~ Regina Ann

Today's Truism

Today’s Truism

My Dear
your mind is scattered
driven by winds of change
blowing through your core
the center of your heart
stirring the flame within


may you breathe deeply
fuel the flame of Truth
may you bring focus
to the light within
may you see
with clarity
your Sat Nam
your truth
your true identity
~ and Shine

Love ~ Maitri ~ Namaste

~*~ Regina Ann

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Today's Truism

Today's Truism

As you see your self
so you see all others


May you see your self through
eyes of love
breath of truth
a heart of compassion
and a place of peace

May you delight in your divine creation
that you may so delight in all others

~ Namaste

~*~ Regina Ann

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Today's Truism

Today’s Truism

Just as the pains of birth
so it is with change
one chooses
to experience joy in the pain
anticipating the beauty
of that which transforms
and becomes
as created
as designed


May you choose
to release all fear
of transformation
and embrace the joy
of becoming

~ Sat Nam

~*~ Regina Ann

Monday, March 21, 2011

Today's Truism

Today’s Truism

What is Your Truth?
The Truth found in your heart divine
You have filled your self
with truths of others
What is Your Truth?
The Truth of Your Divine


May you
be still
Your Divine Truth

~ Sat Nam

~*~ Regina Ann

Today's Truism

Today’s Truism

Observe your heart as a flower
notice the form
closed ~ open
thriving ~ malnourished
bring focus into the breath of the heart center
the flame of the divine


May you water the flower of your heart
with love
May you nurture it
with truth
and may you tend to it’s garden
with peace
that it may fully bloom
to send forth
it’s own beautiful fragrance

~ Sat Nam

~*~ Regina Ann

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Today's Truism

Today’s Truism

Forgiveness is yours to give
a gift to self
forgiveness springs from within
the heart of compassion
As one forgives self
one may forgive others
and Be Free


May you show your self
compassionate love
in forgiveness of self
and forgiveness of others
the you may
set your self free

~ Namaste

~*~ Regina Ann

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Today's Truism

Today’s Truism

See the winter tree
it shows no signs of movement ~ growth
yet when it appears
as if nothings happening here
the roots are digging ever deeper
building a strong base
for what will be
in proper time
a fully blossomed being


My you find peace
in the place
on your journey
that you be

~ Namaste

~*~ Regina Ann

Tuesday, March 15, 2011



Human words cannot express
the beauty of souls as created
try as they may
there is no success
for the beauty is beyond
the minds f man
release comprehension
set free old boundaries
open heart and inner eye
and you will perceive
the ultimate bliss
the joy of love
beyond what you once thought
was humanly possible
oh how we long
for that place within
to reach beyond
and meet us in heaven
for heaven is not
a place off afar
heaven you carry
in the center of your heart
flow freely the heart love
see with clear eyes
listen ~ I Am speaking
hear me now

~*~ Regina Ann

As One Fortunate

As One Fortunate

You are so fortunate, blessed indeed
for no worry, fear, no dread you see
Oh, my child, listen and receive
For I too see my share
of worry, dread and fear
but just as you I have a choice
to experience these or simply release
allow them to pass to my love divine
pass on to be transformed by the light

You see child, all you experience is yours
you choose to live it
or love it in truth

Choose wisely today
for this is your gift
to live this life
as one fortunate

~*~ Regina Ann

Breathe Deeply

Breathe Deeply

Breathe Deeply you say
You gotta be kidding me!
Breath has not left this upper chamber
since I was but a kid

Why not? are you for real?
I don’t have time to think about it!
Why not? well, you are full of questions
Yes, my time is what I make of it
So why then don’t I take time
to breathe deep, to relax?
My power I’ve given to everything else
a clock, electronics, my boss, my spouse
Why, I don’t even recognize my self

Breathe Deeply, it seems ridiculous to me
to believe that I could feel power to Breathe Deep
and yet, if I don’t even control my own breath
if I don’t allow even my breath to purely flow
what else in this life can I expect
to flow to have power to control

My life is my own yet I gave it away
It happened so subtly
I can’t even say
the time or the date
or event
where it went

Breathe Deeply you say
Breathe Deeply ~ Release
all that does bind me
to these balls and chains
Breathe Deeply ~ Receive
Love, Hope and Peace
Breathe Deeply and Listen
to my own heart beat

Breathe Deeply ~ I get it!
Breathe Deeply and Live

~ Breathe Deeply

~*~ Regina Ann