Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Temporal Trauma Release

Temporal Trauma Release
– A Unique Resolution for Trauma Associated Symptoms
We have each experienced traumatic events in our lives. In the moments surrounding a traumatic event our body records and time stamps all the information of the event including associated feelings, sounds, smells, and pain. We may repress the information of the event but the associations of the trauma have been time stamped within our body memory.
As we travel through life similar experiences, a smell, music, a date, or location, which the body associates to that event, can trigger us to relive the event all over again to some degree. In that moment we are living both in the present and reliving the past at the same point in time and the trauma of the event is being expanded to include the new event that triggered the memory. This continual living and reliving of the original trauma results in the body manifesting physical symptoms of the trauma(s) including pain, disease, phobias, allergies, and disorders such as OCD.
 Knowing that we live in the present and relive the past in the same moment is the premise of Temporal Trauma Release. This unique therapy offers the opportunity to release the original trauma and its associations. This in turn allows all related associations from later experiences to be released from the body. Release of the original trauma and it’s associations along with all subsequent associations’ results in freedom from the symptoms connected to them.
Schedule online at ResonanceHealing.blogspot.com or from our Facebook Page Resonance Healing.

Today's Truism

Today’s Truism

Each one has the gift
to connect
one to another
connection requires only this
an open heart
free to receive
free to give
We Are One
as always we have been


May you today
open your heart
to receive
to give
Be One

~ Sat Nam

~*~ Regina Ann

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Today's Truism

Today’s Truism

When what one wants
is what is best for the All
then it is that one
has become


May you find that place
where we are

~ Sat Nam

~*~ Regina Ann

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Welcome to the Day

Welcome to the New Day

Welcome to the New Day
it’s all yours
may you take time to play
laugh ~ love ~ dance
see the magic
experience beauty
feel the flow
of Universal Love
and may you know
the harmony
of peace

~ Welcome to the New Day

~*~ Regina Ann

Monday, May 23, 2011


One need not have all the answers
One only need hold compassion in the heart
and Be obedient to Love
for this is all there is

~*~ Regina Ann

Today's Truism

Today’s Truism

Focus the heart
Focus the mind
Still the wind
Calm the wind
Hear the rhythm
Feel the flow


May you focus heart and mind
Still the noise inside
Calm the noise without
that you may Hear
the resonance of Divine speak
Feel the flow of Universal Love
and Know

~ Sat Nam

~*~ Regina Ann

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Today's Truism

Today’s Truism

The fiercest battle
we face as humans
is the battle
of our duality
that of our truth
and it’s polar opposite


May you know
your truth
that you may test
everything else
against it

~ Sat Nam

~*~ Regina Ann

Between Heart Beat

Between Heart Beat

Within the stillness
between heart beat
comes the allowance
to simply BE
push aside social dogma
release old tapes
embrace the nurturing
only heaven brings

for heaven is that garden
where Divine and “I” meet
where soul speaks
and heart listens
where Oneness is retrieved

can you hear
heaven calling
will you push aside
the noise

are you ready to retreat
to the stillness
of the garden
to peace

are you ready
can you feel it
within the stillness
between heart beat

~*~ Regina Ann

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Today's Truism

Today’s Truism

Tear down the walls
of the box
you created for yourself
See Truth
the limitless possibilities
I have gifted you


May you step out
of the box
you locked yourself in
Allow Receiving
of God’s limitlessness

~ Sat Nam

~*~ Regina Ann

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Manifest Your Destiny

Manifest Your Destiny

Take time to reflect

My Love

see where you were

how far you’ve come

fear not the remainder

of what you’ve chosen

you re-write the script

with each new choice chosen

embrace the vision

of the world you wish to see

feel it in your heart

with joy

allow it to be

~Manifest Your Destiny

~*~ Regina Ann


Awaken to BE

Awaken to BE


the truths

the mysteries

the magic

that was created

to BE


in the sleep

of separation

Me from thee

Awaken now

that you may see




you were created

to BE


as always intended


Me and thee


~ Awaken to BE

~*~ Regina Ann


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Searching for Acknowledgement

Searching for Acknowledgement

I went searching for acknowledgement
that I was worthy of
embrace ~ acceptance ~ love and care
but met with only disappointment there
until the day I realized
I was looking in the wrong places
acknowledgement of my own worth
begins and ends with me
for we each our own battles wage
with fears we ourselves contrive
so immersed are we
in our created worthlessness
we often miss opportunities
to acknowledge the worth
of someone else standing in front of us
Now the Sun shines brighter down
on heart which once bore scars
of fears of never being “good enough”
to be valued to be worth being loved
and now I so clearly see
acknowledgement of my own worth
begins and ends with me

~*~ Regina Ann

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Giving ~ Receiving Fully

Giving ~ Receiving Fully

When you do not pray, asking for guidance for discernment for wisdom and all blessings that serve your highest good, you choose to refuse the all your creator wants for you.

When you do not meditate, being still to listen to The Word as it speaks to your heart of all that is for your highest good, you choose to refuse the all your creator wants for you.

In praying you open your heart to give all you are over to your divine love. All your cares, concerns, dreams, desires, thanksgiving, gratitude, all that you are.

In meditating you receive all your divine love has for you. All the guidance, wisdom, discernment, blessings, love, power, essence that is desired for you.

There are many present in this time whose desire is to serve humanity to better the world we live in. In our quest to serve, to give of ourselves, for the benefit of all we must remember to receive first. For in receiving we are equipped to give, in receiving we are empowered to give the highest good. One cannot give of what one has not received.

There are those which would convey the message that this time of giving and receiving, this time of communication with our divine creator, is not necessary for service for life. It is absolutely necessary if your desire is to fully give of divine. For one cannot give of what they have not chosen to receive. It is only through giving self over to divine and receiving divine within self that one may give of divine essence.

You will know them by the fruit they bear, by the truths they live. Be aware that there are those who speak light but do not live it, there are those who perform greatness for their glorification not honoring all as divine gifts. As one asks for and allows the receiving of discernment, knowing truth in all things becomes clearer and more easily recognized.

May it be that you see clearly the results of all choices. As you choose a little, a little is what you have and have to give. As you choose to expand and grow in your divine nature so you will have more divine essence to offer the world and its inhabitants. Understand that just as the choices are yours so is the judgment. For as you choose you receive and therein your judgment be.

~ Sat Nam

Truth is our identity

Today's Truism

Today’s Truism

Each challenge you face
brings golden opportunity
choose to focus on separation
choose to shine truth and release
choices is yours to see the dark
choices is yours to light it up
choice is yours


May you choose
to light the darkness
to see with new clarity
Truth ~ Love ~ Light

~ Sat Nam

~*~ Regina Ann

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I Saw My Past Today

I Saw My Past Today

I saw my past today
it walked through a door with me
while I was on my path
one part greeted cordially
another just looked away
and I
I smiled and shone my light
grateful for the new I am
thankful for the joy
new choices bring
yes, I saw my past today
and I can truly say
I’ve come a long way baby
and I am humbled for the chance
for I saw my past today
and I
I smiled and waved

~*~ Regina Ann

and I Thank You

and I Thank You

and I thank you
for breath
for heartbeat
for knowing
that in these
you dwell
with me
and I

~*~ Regina Ann

Monday, May 2, 2011

Today's Truism

Today’s Truism

Love is
heart open
to receive
heart open
to give


May you ~ today
wholly open
to receive
to give
and be blessed

~ Sat Nam

~*~ Regina Ann

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Forgiveness Is For Me

Forgiveness Is For Me

Forgiveness is for me

I forgive

that I may heal

that I may be whole

that I may receive

all God wants for me

that I may BE

as created

that I may live

wholly ~ holy

~ Forgiveness

is for me

~*~ Regina Ann


inspired by Justin Graves, Foundations Church

Blessings for your faithfulness